PCC BidBoss Help

BB Known Issues as of 4/22/19

2.1.5 Issues

4/22/19 There is a random issue where a survey with pictures will not send all the Hazards. 99% of the time if you add a 2nd picture to the hazard where it stopped – it will resume and send the rest of the hazards. We are working on this. This seems to be a problem with iPhone 6 and 6+ and iPad Mini 2 and 3. These are running older processors and are struggling with the new iOS updates.

4/22/19 When selecting 2 or more user defined buttons on a hazard and then creating a KML file, the hazards with 2 or more user defined buttons are not displaying on the KML. They do display on the Maps correctly though.


2.1 Issues

  • 9/27/18.  FIXED!  Trimble updated their GNSS app and took care of this bug.  Trimble Accuracy Display not working in BB 2.1.  It works but disconnects every 20 minutes or so.  This is a bug in Trimble’s SDK.  They are aware of it.  Out of our hands at the moment.
  • 6/6/18 – Deleting a hazard deletes in the App but still shows on the spreadsheet.  Fixed – Option on Server to show deleted hazards on spreadsheet.


1.6.1 Issues – We are no longer working on this version!!!

  • Hazard numbers duplicating 2/5/18
    • Update 2/8/18 – Being looked into – sometimes it works fine and other times it duplicates.  Cannot duplicate.  Please let me know if you are seeing this.  THIS IS FIXED IN BB 2.1.  It will not be fixed 1.6.1.
  • Picture 1 and Picture 2 being switched in the spreadsheet in BidBoss 1.6.1.
    • Status 2/8/18 – Being looked into.  Having trouble duplicating this error.  Please let me know if this is happening.
    • THIS IS FIXED IN BB 2.1.  It will not be fixed 1.6.1.
  • Editing Information in the Survey Setup Page
    • DO NOT EDIT any of the information on the Survey Setup Page once its been saved.  It is causing problems with the Survey.  If you need to change a name or mis-spelling – do it on the Spreadsheet after your done.


  • Sending Survey Twice results in duplicated pictures 2/5/18
    • Status – Fixed 2/6/18.
  • Cannot see Camera Button to take picture – BIDBOSS 1.6.1 ONLY.
    • FIXED 2/5/18:  Restart device between installations solves this issue for all but iPhone 5 users.
  • Cannot Enter Data (H1 H2) AND select User Defined Buttons
    • Fixed 2/5/18 – This is now an Option in Settings.  Use the ALL toggle switch to allow data into all fields.
  • Cannot Scroll down to see pictures if on smaller phone in Edit Hazard Mode.
    • FIXED 1/19/18
  • View Large Map – First letter of User Defined Button shows even though “Pin Button Text” is unchecked.
    • FIXED 1/18/18.
  • Formating on buttons on 2.0 not right.
    • FIXED 1/19/18.